21st lessons for the 21st century

   This is a wonderful book written by Yuval Noah Harari who was born and raised in the Kirat Ata, Israel and belongs to a Jewish family. He is an English writer and good thinker. 21st lesson for the 21st century was published in 2018 which contains 372 pages. This book contains 21 chapters. Yuval Harari highlighted the biggest challenges in the modern world and offers advice on making sense of and navigating such transitional times. It also provides problems faced by human in present age.

   Jobs in Future: In today’s fast changing technology, we have no idea about job market of 2030 or 2040. At that time, we will see the machines and robots in learning. The industrial revolution has changed the human physical working. Human uses their knowledge to have decision but the computer has more knowledge than human and can collect more data. At that time machine will have all responsibilities and will perform all works and human will be away from physical working such as wood cutting etc. The artificial intelligence will perform low works such as banking, trading, booking etc in future. Only one or two guys will have high level working.

   Further, it also discusses Ecological changes: Human economic developing is destructing the ecology of earth and due to human high working. Scientists have proved the climate change but the political class of the countries is not taking action on it. Scientist proved that if 2 degrees of temperature increase on the earth so rising of ocean level and extreme weather takes places in which millions of people can lose their lives. Global warming is a problem of climate changes as every country is suffering from it and it is due to human.

   Besides, another important point is education system: Our schools focus on rote learning because our education is from that time when information was not available. That’s why we need to learn all. 21st century revolution has overloaded human with information. In this studious school should teach to be away from rote learning and improve our education system. Students should focus on analytical skills and which they must filter the information then share to students. In this technology students should go for general things and be knowledgeable.

   This book highlights Terrorism: Terrorism is a problem in which every country is suffering from it as the terrorist attack on these places just to be popular and famous as the government should take step to stop funding and supply of weapon as it gets stop.

   Finally, this is a wonderful book and a very informative book for the learners. This book also discusses justices, disillusionment etc.

Hammal Noor,


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