Influence of Modern Technology

   As each individual knows modern technology is influencing the life. These modern invention have brought many problems for everyone. People are suffering from major destruction due to these inventions. 1947, America dropped atomic bomb on Japan, from this thousands of people were killed. Tell today also like so, Israel and Palestine war is the reason of modern induction. The war of Israel and Palestine has bringing many crises towards the world. Many countries have joined the war of both. Recently Iran launched rockets of Israel. America announced that it will take the revenge of Israel. America and Iran were already contradicted with each other. If America supports Israel then may South Korea assist Iran to fight with America. South Korea has told that it will give weapons to Iran. 

   These all countries have modern weapons. It their war begin, many destruction will be created. In Palestine many innocent have been killed. Eventually, I would request each individual to be against o war and stop the war of Israel and Palestine.

Shahab Chaker,


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