Violence against animals

   It is a critical issue that affects the lives of billions of animals in the world. Animals are being treated very badly and they are being used for scientific researches and testing because of which many animals are losing their lives. They are beaten and abused and kept in the zoos and circuses or humans’ entertainment, where they are treated with violence. It reflects a profound disregard for the sanctity of life and the inherent value of all living beings. Such cruelty not only inflicts physical suffering but also erodes the moral fabric of society. 

   Furthermore, according to a report, the number of land animals killed in 2022 was 82,624,694,782. Their body parts are being sold for making products. At last, through education, advocacy, and conscientious choices, we can create a world where cruelty towards animals is an aberration, not the norm.

Sachan Naseer


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