Poor Promise

   Once upon a time, there was a girl named Aksa Noor, and a boy named Shahzan. They were young when they promised that when they grew up, they would marry because they loved each other. Aksa told the boy, "You should work hard so that we will have enough money for our marriage, while I will go to school to pursue higher education in the medical field." They began their respective journeys. After 8 years, she returned from school, and her mother visited Shahzan's mother, saying, "Will you come and see Aksa? She has returned from school." Upon hearing this, Shahzan hurriedly went to meet her even before his mother could, greeting her warmly. He said, "Do you remember our promise to marry? When should I bring a ring for our engagement?" Aksa laughed heartily and replied, "Oh my God, you've kept that talk hidden in your clothes and now talk about marriage to me? 

   I can't do this." He explained how he had worked hard, even sewing clothes for people and making gold for her. But Aksa, in turn, said, "Whatever your salary is, I spend that much in just one day on things like eating out with friends. Many people have proposed to me, but I refused them. You are too poor; I am rich. I can't apologize and leave." Shahzan was deeply shocked by her words and returned home. Ten years later, Aksa married her cousin, but he did not love her and mistreated her. She regretted not marrying Shahzan. Meanwhile, Shahzan worked hard and became wealthy, enjoying his life to the fullest. As it is themed that rising beyond challenges: the power of perseverance. 

Yasmeen Peerbaksh 
Soggat Acedemy Kallag

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