Importance of water

   Water is one of the blessings of Allah the almighty and it is the most important substance on this earth. if there is no water on this earth then there would not be any life to survive neither humans nor animals or plants can live without water. After oxygen water is the most important thing, and without it we can't do anything we use water for many things like drinking, Washing, cooking, and many more ways there is the usage of water.

   Furthermore, in our country unfortunately, people don't know the value of water and they are wasting water there are many areas where people are Pity of the water even if they don't have much water for drinking and just these types of people know the value of it. On the other side of the country, the people don't know the value of it and without reason, they make their taps open and waste the water.

   Therefore, it is requested to all not to waste water because it is one of the greatest blessings from Allah the almighty so, we should know the value of it and we should use the water according to our usage.

Irshad Kulanchi
Turbat, Balochistan

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