Unforgettable Event!

   It was the morning of Monday with thunder storm day, when I
woke up I got an irrelevant shock to see from the windowpane that water was
flowing here and there and many buildings in that city had fallen down and so
that was objectionable for me to see around my house was getting covered by the
darkness of a cloud, and it was lightening too. I switched on the Television to
get more acquaintance about the climate I saw that the complete city was full
of water and the news reporter also was reporting that there was a 90% chance
of another heavy rain with fully-lightening, and it was getting darker. I felt
afraid because I saw no one in the room then I proclaim my sister Sahira thrice
but thrice she did not respond. 

   Well there I felt more afraid than I directly
went to the Kitchen to see mom but I saw the ground floor was chock-full of
water after seeing that telephone ring I ran for the telephone there I took the
phone and asked, was anyone there? Someone said, yes this is me, your father.
Oh thank God, but tell me where are you, mom, Aryan, and Sahira? He replied
well you were sleeping at that spot I acknowledged a call from my close
friend" Mr. Noor"  he told that
Aryan has met an accident and he has gotten some terrible injuries and now he
has been brought to the hospital by him and also now we are there too... The
light became off and the line got cut, hello, hello, are you there dad? I
asked, but no response from them because the electricity became off. 

enclosed the room entirely I comfort myself to get a safe place I got an
armchair then I sat in it and started thinking how could I spend that day
without my family members I felt that the day was getting longer minute by
minute, and I was ravenous too because the time was 11 pm. 
After a few minutes,
I listened as if someone was talking from the next room I deliberated maybe
they were my parents. So I found a torch and happily entered that room and
searched but I saw no one in that room and I called, however no any answered of
that. Later I thought that the ground floor was full of water and if they would
come here I could listen to the water sound but I didn't. 

   I felt like a silly
Coco I ran from that room directly and entered my room where I was sleeping
before again sleeping on that bed there that sound was getting heard then I
closed my eyes and put the pillow on my head to cover it but still I heard that
someone was saying that get up its morning and you have to go to school and
it's getting late... After listening to that I opened my eyes and got
surprised," oh it was a nightmare thanks God". What happened Beta? Mom
asked. I dreamed a horrible dream and then I narrated all the narration of what
happened to me. She replied beta that was just a dream don't get worried.          

By Jameel Noor

Soggat Academy

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