Beauty and the Beast

   This is a great and interesting book which was written by Gabrielle Suzanne de Villeneuve. He was born in France in 1711 and died in 1780.

   This book is about a merchant that had traded well and was rich. Suddenly his ship with his goods sinks in the water and his store room burns. By this, he became poor and sad because he had lost everything. He then went for working so his daughters demanded many things, but Beauty demanded just a rose. When he reached somewhere at night the merchant slept there and in the morning he woke up and saw a garden where he plucked a flower then abruptly a huge beast appeared and said, "How dare you to pick up my flower " then merchant replied that his daughter wanted that then the beast told him to bring her; otherwise, he would kill him. 

   He went back to his home and brought beauty to the beast. After some days, he asked her if she loved him then she replied negatively, but many of the beasts asked her the same question and at last, she replied with positive answers then the beast directly turned into a handsome prince, and after they loved each other and lived long. 

I recommend you to read it because it is an interesting love story and it is a small book. 

By Shabeer Noor

Soggat Academy Kallag

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